Found 481 symbols starting with S: Page #6


Seal of the University of Texas, Austin
This is the official seal of the University of Texas, Austin. It is colored the official rgb (199, 91, 18) signature burnt orange of the university.
Seal of Utah
The Great Seal of the State of Utah was adopted on April 3, 1896, at the first regular session of the Legislature (January, February, March, April 1896).
Seal of Vermont
The Great Seal of the State of Vermont is the official seal of the U.S. state of Vermont, used to emboss and authenticate official documents.
Seal of Virginia
The Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia is the official seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a U.S. state. The flag of Virginia consists of the obverse of the seal against a blue background. The cu…
Seal of Washington
The Seal of the State of Washington contains a portrait of George Washington, as painted by Gilbert Stuart. The outer ring contains the text "The Seal of the State of Washington" and "1889", the year…
Seal of West Virginia
The Great Seal of the State of West Virginia was adopted in 1863. The center of the seal contains a boulder that has been inscribed June 20, 1863, the date West Virginia became a state. In front of t…
Seal of Wisconsin
The Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin is a seal used by the secretary of state to authenticate all of the governor’s official acts, except laws. It consists of the state coat of arms, with the wor…
Seal of Wisconsin
The Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin is a seal used by the secretary of state to authenticate all of the governor’s official acts, except laws. It consists of the state coat of arms, with the wor…
Seal of Wyoming
The Great Seal of the State of Wyoming was adopted by the second legislature in 1893, and revised by the sixteenth legislature in 1921.
SEAL-K Kosher certification symbol
The seal of the kosher trust
Search symbol
this is the search symbol used in apps.
Seattle Dragons
The Seattle Dragons are in the XFL Western Division
Seattle Kraken Logo
Since Seattle was awarded the NHL’s 32nd franchise in 2018, marketing experts worked behind the scenes for a whole year, talked to locals, and polled over 200,000 future fans to build a brand players…
Seattle Mariners Logo
The Mariners donned their current uniforms in 1993. White jerseys and pants are worn for most home games, while gray jerseys and pants are worn on the road. In 2011, the team brought back an alternat…
Seattle Seahawks Logo
When the Seahawks debuted in 1976, the team's logo was a stylized royal blue and forest green osprey's head based on Northwestern tribal art. The helmet and pants were silver while the home uniforms…
Seattle Sounders FC
This is the logo of MLS team Seattle Sounders FC
Seattle Sounders FC Logo
Seattle Sounders FC is an American professional soccer club based in Seattle, Washington. The Sounders compete as a member of the Western Conference of Major League Soccer (MLS). The club was establi…
Seaweed Dragon egg
Icon used to indicate a Seaweed Dragon egg in the game DragonVale.
Section sign
The section sign (Unicode U+00A7 § section sign, HTML §, TeX \S) is a typographical character used mainly to refer to a particular section of a document, such as a legal code. It is also called "doub…
This is the logo of the former secret police of Communist Romania the Securitate
Seed Moon Sign
April : Seed Moon Sign
Sei He Ki (Reiki)
The Mental/Emotional Symbol (Sei He Ki pronounced as: "Say-Hay-Key") "God and man become one".
Sel vitri
A symbol from 18th century chemistry.
Self-guided trail
Self-guided trail
Semi Breve Rest
Symbol at the beginning of measure 118 [ () ].

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Are you a world flags master?

A Mauritius
C Zambia
D Costa Rica