Found 29 symbols starting with Z:


Semaphore character meaning Z
Z (Zulu)
"I require a tug."
Zayin (also spelled zain or zayn or simply zay) is the seventh letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Zayin Phoenician zayin.svg, Hebrew 'Zayin ז, Aramaic Zain Zayin.svg, Syriac Zayn ܙ, a…
Zambia (Apple iOS 10.3)
Flag for Zambia
Zayin (also spelled zain or zayn or simply zay) is the seventh letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Zayin Phoenician zayin.svg, Hebrew 'Zayin ז, Aramaic Zain Zayin.svg, Syriac Zayn ܙ, a…
Zayin Letter
Zayin (also spelled zain or zayn or simply zay) is the seventh letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Zayin , Hebrew 'Zayin ז, Yiddish Zoyen ז, Aramaic Zain , Syriac Zayn ܙ, and Arabic Za…
Zayn (South Arabian alphabet)
The letter "z" as rendered in the South Arabian alphabet.
Zebra (Apple iOS 12.2)
Zebra-print awareness ribbon
The zebra-print awareness ribbon represents several causes:
'Zef is, you're poor but you're fancy. You're poor but you're sexy, you've got style."
Zelda Royal Crest
The Royal Crest, also known as the Wingcrest, is a common depiction of the Triforce above a Loftwing.
Zener Cards
Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP), most often clairvoyance. Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener (1903–1964) designed the cards in the early 1930s for …
Zen\Zeni (Asomtavruli script)
The letter "Z" as rendered in the Georgian alphabet.
zen\zeni (Mkhedruli script)
The letter "z" as rendered in the Georgian alphabet.
Zephyr Badge
One of eight signature items found in the second generation of the Pokémon franchise.
Zero is the number before 1 and after -1. It is used as a place holder in base ten systems.
Zeta is the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 7. It was derived from the Phoenician letter zayin Zayin. Letters that arose from zeta include the R…
Zhāngyú (simplified)
Chinese characters representing "Zhāngyú", which translates as 'Octopus'.
Zhēn (Traditional)
Chinese characters representing "Zhēn", which translates variously as 'Needle', 'Pin', or 'Acupuncture'.
Chinese character representing "Zhú", which translates as 'Bamboo'.
Zhū (Traditional)
Chinese character representing 'Zhū', which translates as 'Pig'.
Zimbabwe (Apple iOS 10.3)
Flag for Zimbabwe
Zinc (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol representing the metal zinc.
Zinc (alternate #1)
An alchemical symbol for the metal zinc.
Zinc (alternate #2)
An alchemical symbol for the metal zinc.

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