Found 158 symbols starting with L: Page #5


Litton Industries Logo
Litton Industries was a large defense contractor in the United States named after inventor Charles Litton, Sr..
Chinese character representing "Liú", which translates as 'Sulphur'.
Liverpool F.C.
The Liverpool badge is based on the city's liver bird, which in the past had been placed inside a shield. In 1992, to commemorate the centennial of the club, a new badge was commissioned, including a…
Liverpool F.C. Logo
Liverpool Football Club (/ˈlɪvərpuːl/) is a Premier League association football club based in Liverpool, Merseyside, England. The club has won five European Cups, three UEFA Cups, three UEFA Super Cu…
Lizard (Apple iOS 12.2)
Llama (Apple iOS 12.2)
Logical Implication (Implies)
The statement on the left side of the symbol implies the statement on the right side. Can also be read as If, Then, i.e., if "statement on left side", then "statement on right side".
Logo of the French Popular Party
This is the logo of the French Popular Party which existed between 1936-1945
Logo for Doom
Logo for Mega Man Universe
Logo for The Last Story
Logo of Gyaanipedia
This official logo of Gyaanipedia
Logo of the Internal Revenue Service
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service of the United States federal government.
Logo of the PAN Party in Mexico
This is the logo of the Conservative Mexican Political Party PAN or National Action Party
Logo of Wikipedia
The logo of Wikipedia, an Internet-based free multilingual encyclopedia, is an unfinished globe constructed from jigsaw pieces—some pieces are missing at the top—inscribed with glyphs from many diffe…
Lok Janshakti Party Symbol - Bungalow
The Lok Janshakti Party is a state political party in the state Bihar, India.
Lollipop (Samsung One UI 1.5)
Loose Chippings
Loose chippings warning sign - U.K.
Loose Chippings
Loose chippings warning sign - Netherlands and Turkey
Loose Chippings
Loose chippings warning sign - New Zealand
Loose Chippings
Loose chippings sign - Poland
Lord of Light
The faith of R’hllor, also known as the Lord of Light, is one of several religions followed in the world of Game of Thrones.
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Logo
The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have used ten different logos and three different color combinations throughout their history. Their first two logos depict a baseball with wings and a halo over a b…

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Are you a world flags master?

A Lesotho
B Haiti
C Thailand
D Sweden