What's the meaning of the AOL Logo »

AOL Logo

This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: AOL Logo.

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The new AOL brand identity is a simple, confident logotype, revealed by ever-changing images. It's one consistent logo with countless ways to reveal.

The period in the logo was added to suggest confidence and completeness, declaring AOL is the place to go for the best content online, period.

AOL CEO describe the period as "the AOL dot" because "the dot is the pivot point for what comes after AOL," whether it is e-mail, Web sites or coming offerings that will "surprise people."


Graphical characteristics:
Asymmetric, Open shape, Monochrome, Contains both straight and curved lines, Has no crossing lines.

Category: Corporate Brands.

More symbols in Corporate Brands:

Just as a nation's flag expresses the distinct identity of a country, so, too, a logotype — typically a symbol or letters — helps to establish the name and define the character of a corporation. Effe… read more »

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    Use the citation below to add this symbol to your bibliography:


    "AOL Logo." Symbols.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 9 Mar. 2025. <https://www.symbols.com/symbol/aol-logo>.

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