Found 6 symbols starting with OF:


Off symbol
IEC 5008, the power off (circle) symbol on a button or toggle, indicates that using the control will disconnect power to the device. It comes from the binary system (0 means off).
Off-Page Connector
A connector is used to represent that the flow is continued elsewhere in the flowchart on a different page. Typically capital letters are used in the circle as labels.
Office of the Independent Police Review Director
Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge
The Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge is a U.S. Military badge presented to the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff upon appointment to position as either a Service Head, Vice…
Office of the Secretary of Homeland Security Identification Bage
The Office of the Secretary of Homeland Security Identification Badge is a military badge of the United States Coast Guard issued by the Department of Homeland Security to military members assigned t…
Official State Flag of Biafraland
The Term "Biafraland" was originally coined by a Black European (Medical) Doctor of Biafran Heritage , Joseph Chikelue Obi , in December 1991 - after he personally felt that the previous aforemention…

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Are you a world flags master?

A Australia
B North Macedonia
C Malta
D Italy