Cupcake (Samsung One UI 1.5) | |
Cupido Symbol This Symbol is also the Bronze Symbol. | |
Cuprum arsenicatum (alchemy) The alchemical symbol for Cuprum arsenicatum, a compound of copper and arsenic. | |
Curly Loop A curled loop, which is shown in black on most platforms. Displayed as a blue ribbon on Samsung devices. | |
Currency Exchange | |
Currency Sign The symbol "¤" is called the currency sign or "currency symbol". It's often used as a placeholder for an unspecified currency or to denote currency-related information. It doesn't represent a specifi… | |
Current Dragon egg Icon used to indicate a Current Dragon egg in the game DragonVale. | |
Current Events Current Events | |
Current source A current source is an electronic circuit that delivers or absorbs an electric current which is independent of the voltage across it. | |
Curry Rice (Samsung One UI 1.5) | |
Curve Sign Curve sign - New Zealand | |
Curve to the Left Curve to the left sign - India | |
Curve to the Left Curve to the left sign - Sweden | |
Curve to the Left Curve to the left sign - Poland | |
Curve to the Right Curve to the right sign - India | |
Custard (Samsung One UI 1.5) | |
Customs Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals, transports, personal effects and haz… | |
Cut Cut the line. | |
Cut of Meat (Samsung One UI 1.5) | |
Cx Ice Poseidon | |
Cycle Lane \ Foot Path German "cycle-lane left, footpath right" sign. | |
Cylinder Constrained by draft | |
c\o Short for in the care of or similar phrase. |