Found 39 symbols starting with AS:


Asase Ye Duru
The Earth is heavy.
Ascend or I'm going up
Ascend, or I am going up
Asexual Pride Flag
Asexuality (or non-sexuality) is the lack of sexual attraction to anyone or low or absent interest in sexual activity. It may be considered the lack of a sexual orientation, or one of the four types …
Asexual Symbol
Asexuality (or nonsexuality) is the lack of sexual attraction to anyone or low or absent interest in sexual activity.
Ash (alchemy)
A sign representing ash in the alchemical tradition.
Ash Dragon egg
Icon used to indicate an Ash Dragon egg in the game DragonVale.
Ashoka Chakra
The Ashoka Chakra is a depiction of the Buddhist Dharmachakra, represented with 24 spokes. It is so called because it appears on a number of edicts of Ashoka, most prominent among which is the Lion C…
ASL Letter Aa
American Sign Language Letter Aa
ASL Letter Bb
American Sign Language Letter Bb
ASL Letter Cc
American Sign Language Letter Cc
ASL Letter Dd
American Sign Language Letter Dd
ASL Letter Ee
American Sign Language Letter Ee
ASL Letter Ff
American Sign Language Letter Ff
ASL Letter Gg
American Sign Language Letter Gg
ASL Letter Hh
American Sign Language Letter Hh
ASL Letter Ii
American Sign Language Letter Ii
ASL Letter Jj
American Sign Language Letter
ASL Letter Kk
American Sign Language
ASL Letter Ll
American Sign Language
ASL Letter Mm
American Sign Language
ASL Letter Nn
American Sign Language
ASL Letter Oo
American Sign Language
ASL Letter Pp
American Sign Language
ASL Letter Qq
American Sign Language

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Are you a world flags master?

A Panama
B Yemen
C Liberia
D Saint Kitts and Nevis