What's the meaning of the Ceration »


This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: Ceration.

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Ceration is a chemical process, a common practice in alchemy.

Pseudo-Geber's Summa Perfectionis tells us ceration is "the mollification of an hard thing, not fusible unto liquefaction" and stresses the importance of correct humidity in the process. Ceration is performed by continuously adding a liquid by imbibition to a hard, dry substance while it is heated. This typically results in making the substance softer, becoming like molten wax.

Pernety's 1787 Mytho-Hermetic dictionary defines it somewhat differently as the time when matter passes from black to gray and then to white. This is accomplished by continuous cooking. Ceration may be synonymous with similar terms for alchemical burning processes. Incineration, for example is listed by Manly P. Hall


Graphical characteristics:
Asymmetric, Open shape, Monochrome, Contains straight lines, Has crossing lines.

Category: Alchemical Symbols.

Ceration is part of the Alchemical processes group.

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1 Comment
  • David Keraton
    David Keraton
    OK. Awesome. So, the alchemical symbol for Ceration is also the symbol for Sagittarius. If one was to consider the Galactic Zodiac (with the 13th sign of Ophiuchus included as part of the process of reaching our Spiritual Magnum Opus via Spiritual Alchemy), then right now the "key" history changing conjunction of Pluto (Transformation), Saturn (Lead) and Jupiter (Ceration) which, according to Tropical (inorganic) Astrology is in Capricorn, is actually in Sagittarius.

    If we think about mythology, Saturn is known as Cronos, or Father Time. Cronos was a Titan and son of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Air). Cronos (Saturn - Father Time) is said to have castrated his father (Uranus). (Earth). Zeus (Jupiter - Ceration, Fire) is a son of Cronos who eventually came to overthrow his father. Jupiter (Zeus) is the brother of Neptune (Poseidon and Pisces) and Pluto (Hades, death, transformation). Poseidon means "husband of the Earth" and God of the Sea.

    Following common and altered mythology, history as it is written into the accepted narrative, even by some lightworkers, suggests that the "astrological conjunction" of Saturn/Pluto is part of a synodic cycle that portends great revolutions and war. Many "wars" involving the Industrial-Military complex (Saturn) do indeed seem to "coincide" with the synodic alignment of Pluto and Saturn. Coincidence?

    However, if we re-think this conjunction using the 13 Galactic Zodiac alignment (sidereal astrology), then this key astrological alignment is in Sagittarius (Jupiter's/Zeus' home sign). Could it be that the Pluto/Saturn conjunction "narrative" has long been manipulated to place humanity onto a false timeline of war and revolution? The square to Mars (Iron in alchemy) also plays a part in this narrative. False activation of the Iron Core Template? However, Mars is not in Aries under the organic Galactic Zodiac, no, the God of War is in Pisces (Poseidon/Neptune's sign) and he too has been hijacked by the false timelines.

    Pluto conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius signals the ceration (incineration) of Saturn energies (Time, structure, form - lead weight, government and Industrial-Military complex) and the transformation of Father Time's dense, third dimensional (3D) false concept of time (we have 13 Zodiac Constellations not 12). This conjunction portends the spiritual alchemy of ceration of a hard-dry substance (Saturn - lead and Mars - iron), through black to gray and then white. Jupiter rules the liberation and expansion of the higher mind, printing, and publishing, religion, and sacred esoteric knowledge - like, for example, alchemical practices, which most will agree have been supressed.

    Make of this what you will, but consider, if this conjunction of Zeus (Jupiter/Ceration/Fire), Cronos (Saturn - lead and 3D time) and Pluto (Hades/Death and Transformation) square Mars (God of War and Iron) is in Sagittarius (Fire/Ceration and Incineration under Alchemy), this portends a time of great spiritual awakening to the t
    LikeReply 24 years ago


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"Ceration." Symbols.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 4 Mar. 2025. <https://www.symbols.com/symbol/ceration>.

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