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Found 364 symbols matching three: Page #9

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The fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys (plural: fleurs-de-lis) is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means flower, and lis means lily) or iris that is used as a decorative design or symbol. It may be "at on…
Grand Staff
When music on two staves is joined by a brace, or is intended to be played at once by a single performer (usually a keyboard instrument or the harp), a great stave (BrE) or grand staff (AmE) is creat…
The apostrophe ( ’ although often rendered as ' ) is a punctuation mark, and sometimes a diacritic mark, in languages that use the Latin alphabet or certain other alphabets.
Miscellaneous Plastics
Other plastics, such as acrylic, nylon, polycarbonate, and polylactic acid (a bioplastic), and multilayer combinations of different plastics.
Eris, minor-planet designation 136199 Eris, is the most massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System and the ninth most massive body known to orbit the Sun directly.
Christian Cross
The Christian cross, seen as a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, is the best-known religious symbol of Christianity.
The comma (,) is a punctuation mark, and it appears in several variants in various languages
Air Assault Badge
The Air Assault Badge is awarded by the U.S. Army for successful completion of the Air Assault School, a two-week (ten-day) course.
Nyame Dua
Tree of god or altar.
Sublimation (phase transition)
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase.
11 Parthenope
11 Parthenope is a large, bright main-belt asteroid.
11 Parthenope
11 Parthenope is a large, bright main-belt asteroid.
37 Fides
37 Fides (pron.: /ˈfaɪdiːz/ FY-deez) is a large main-belt asteroid. It was discovered by German astronomer Karl Theodor Robert Luther on October 5, 1855, and named after Fides, the Roman goddess of l…
A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity. The symbol ★ is known as a Star. It is often used to represent excellence, achievement, or to highlight something special or i…
Flag of the Republic of Korea
Flag of South Korea 1948 - Present
Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom
The Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom, or the Royal Arms for short, is the official coat of arms of the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. These arms are used by the Queen in her o…
Flag of Belize
The flag of Belize is a continued version of the earlier flag of British Honduras (the name of Belize during the British colonial period).
Flag of Benin
The National Flag of Benin is a flag consisting of two horizontal yellow and red bands on the fly side and a green vertical band at the hoist.
Flag of Bolivia
The current flag of Bolivia was originally adopted in 1851. The state flag and ensign (and war flag) is a horizontal tricolor of red, yellow and green with the Bolivian coat of arms in the center.
Flag of Cambodia
The national flag of Cambodia (Tung-Cheat, "National flag") was readopted in 1993, after elections returned the monarchy to rule.
Flag of Canada
The National Flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf and l'Unifolié (French for "the one-leafed"), is a flag consisting of a red field with a white square at its centre, in the middle of which i…
Drum Symbol
The meaning of the Drum symbol was to signify the heartbeat of mother earth.
Universal Recycling Symbol
The universal recycling symbol (U+2672 ♲ universal recycling symbol or U+267B ♻ black universal recycling symbol in Unicode) is an internationally recognized symbol used to designate recyclable mater…
Orthodox cross
The Orthodox, Byzantine or Russian (Orthodox) Cross is a variation of the Christian cross, commonly found in Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Emblem of India
The emblem of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath, preserved in the Sarnath Museum.

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Are you a world flags master?

A North Macedonia
B Turks and Caicos
C Turkmenistan
D Estonia