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Lascaux #2
France's Lascaux Caves are a rich repository of early artistic images. This symbol was found amidst depictions of animals, but no contextual information is known at this time.
Fuse (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol indicating the process of fusing, or melting things together.
Haute-Garonne #2
A symbol discovered on the wall of the Marsoulas cave in Haute-Garonne, southwestern France. Although the image of a bison was portrayed below it, no contextual information is known at this time.
Quicklime (alchemy)
An early chemical symbol used to indicate quicklime, also known as calcium oxide.
Pyrophorus (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol indicating pyrophorus.
Hepar terraepond (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol representing hepar terraepond, Barium Sulfide, "hepar" being Latin for 'liver', "terræpond" short for "Terra Ponderosa," the name of the first recognized ores of Bariu…
Hepar magnesiae (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol representing hepar magnesiae, now known as Magnesium Sulfide, "hepar" being Latin for 'liver,' because of the red colors of some sulfides.
Mercury (alternate #7)
An alchemical symbol indicating argent vif ("lining silver" in French), otherwise known as mercury.
Wind furnace (process, #1)
An alchemical symbol that indicates to process something in a wind furnace.
Magnetic iron or rising (alchemy)
An alchemical symbol that can indicate either magnetic iron or the process of rising.
Rubber (alternate #3)
An early chemical symbol used to indicate rubber.
Strain (alchemy)
An alchemical symbol indicating the process of filtration or straining.
Quicklime (alternate)
An alchemical symbol used to indicate quicklime, also known as calcium oxide.
Arsenic sulphide (alchemy)
A 17th century chemical symbol for arsenic sulphide, also known as auripigmentum or orpiment, mineral As₂S₃.
Wind furnace (process, #2)
An alchemical symbol that indicates to process something in a wind furnace.
fantastic four
marvel's fantastic four symbol from the comics
Maccabi Tel-Aviv
The symbol of the soccer team Maccabi Tel-Aviv in Israel (Hebrew: מכבי תל אביב)
Also known as "digestio", this 18th century chemical symbol represents the process of dissolving a substance in liquid of moderate temperature.
Evaporation (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol for evaporation.
Bionicle: Unity, Duty, Destiny
This is the symbol of the three virtues, in the LEGO bionicle universe.
Navicon \ Hamburger Icon
A universal symbol for "menu" featuring three horizontal lines.
Approximately equal
A wavy symbol used to denote items that are approximately equal.
Symbol of the World Council of Churches.
To Begin Anew
A Zibu symbol that means a new beginning.
Weather Underground
The symbol of the Weather Underground Organization.

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C Switzerland
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