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The 3 Number
This symbol represents the 3 number in sign language.
The 4 Number
This symbol represents the 4 number in sign language.
The 5 Number
This symbol represents the 5 number in sign language.
The 6 Number
This symbol represents the 6 number in sign language.
The 7 Number
This symbol represents the 7 number in sign language.
The 8 Number
This symbol represents the 8 number in sign language.
The 9 Number
This symbol represents the 9 number in sign language.
A meteorological symbol indicating a hurricane or a tornado.
Dogs in the yard
A symbol from the French hobo system saying to beware of dogs.
Transform into liquid (alchemy)
Bearing some resemblance to the astrological sign for Scorpio, in alchemy this symbol indicates that something is transformed into a liquid.
Transform into liquid (alternate)
Bearing some resemblance to the astrological sign for Aquarius (which it functions as a version of), in alchemy this symbol indicates that something is transformed into a liquid.
Chance of food
Although this symbol has several meanings, in the British system of hobo signs it indicates that the people here sometimes hand out food.
We have already been here
In the French system of Hobo signs, these three lines indicate that this areas has already been visited. For the American meaning of this same symbol, see 'Not safe'.
A place to sleep
This symbol possesses a number of different connotations (most notably as the "equals" concept in mathematics), but in the British system of hobo signs it indicates that here you can find a place to …
In the United States system of hobo signs, this symbol indicates that a judge lives here.
An alchemical symbol indicating a flask or a bottle.
Fool's gold (alchemy)
Fool's gold, or iron pyrite, is represented in alchemy by this symbol.
Fool's gold (alternate)
Fool's gold, or iron pyrite, is represented in alchemy by this symbol.
Potassium hydrogen tartrate (alchemy)
A symbol used in alchemy to denote potassium hydrogen tartrate.
Hydrochloric acid (alchemy)
The alchemical symbol for hydrochloric acid.
Rubber (alchemy)
A symbol used in alchemy to indicate rubber or resin.
Rubber (alternate #1)
A symbol used in 18th century chemistry to indicate rubber.
Rubber (alternate #2)
A symbol used in 18th century chemistry to represent rubber.
Rock salt (alchemy)
A symbol used in alchemy to designate rock salt.
In the United States system of hobo signs, this symbol means that you should be ready to defend yourself.

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B Pakistan
C Mali
D New Caledonia
