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Post office
Japanese map symbol for post office
Meteorological observatory
Japanese map symbol for meteorological observatory
Forest service office
Japanese map symbol for forest service office
Government office building
Japanese map symbol for government office building
Elementary or junior high school
Japanese map symbol for Elementary or junior high school
High school
Japanese map symbol for high school
Junior college
Japanese map symbol for junior college
Other Tree plantation
Japanese map symbol for other plantation
Mulberry orchard
Japanese map symbol for Mulberry field/orchard
Tea plantation
Japanese map symbol for tea plantation
Japanese map symbol for orchard
Japanese map symbol for paddies
Japanese map symbol for fields
Dwarf pine forest or woods
Japanese map symbol for dwarf pine forest or woods
Bamboo grove
Japanese map symbol for bamboo grove
Palm trees
Japanese map symbol for palm trees
Coniferous forest or woods
Japanese map symbol for coniferous forest or woods
Hardwood forest or woods
Japanese map symbol for hardwood forest or woods
Japanese map symbol for lighthouse
Wind turbine or farm
Japanese map symbol for wind turbine or farm
Japanese map symbol for monument
Place of historic, cultural, or scenic interest
Japanese map symbol for place of historic, cultural, or scenic interest
TV tower
Japanese map symbol for TV tower
Radio tower
Japanese map symbol for radio tower
Volcanic crater or Fumarole
Japanese map symbol for volcanic crater or Fumarole

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Are you a world flags master?

A Marshall Islands
B Saint Lucia
C Croatia
D Gibraltar
