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Found 214 symbols matching alchemy: Page #4

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Natron (alchemy)
A symbol from 17th century chemistry used to indicate natron.
White lead (alchemy)
An early chemical symbol used to indicate white lead.
Mix (alchemy)
An alchemical symbol indicating the process of mixing.
Magnesia\Magnesium (alchemy)
Resembling a trident, this sign is a 16th century chemical symbol for magnesia.
Lime (alchemy)
A symbol used to represent lime in early chemistry.
Arsenic sulphate (alchemy)
An alchemical and early chemical symbol for the compound arsenic sulphate.
Gilded copper (alchemy)
An 18th century symbol representing gilded copper, or cuprum auratum.
Alcohol (alchemy)
An early chemical symbol used to indicate alcohol or a wine spirit.
Zinc (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol representing the metal zinc.
Month (alchemy)
An alchemical "time sign" used to indicate the period of a month.
Spring (alchemy)
An alchemical sign for spring.
Wise man's sulphur (alchemy)
A symbol used in 17th century chemistry to indicate a substance known as wise man's sulphur, or "soufre des philosophes"
Hepar calcis (alchemy)
An 18th century symbol for hepar calcis, more commonly known today as calcium sulfide (chemical symbol- CaS).
Terra ponderosa (alchemy)
A symbol from 18th century chemistry.
Clay (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol for clay (also known as 'agrilla').
Coal (alchemy)
A symbol used to represent coal (also known as 'carbo') in 18th century chemistry.
Wind furnace (alchemy)
An alchemical symbol indicating a wind furnace (also known as a wind forge).
Melting furnace (alchemy)
One of several alchemical symbols used to indicate a melting furnace.
Hot water (alchemy)
An alchemical symbol indicating hot or warm water.
Saffron (alchemy)
A symbol occasionally used by alchemists to indicate saffron.
Zinc oxide (alchemy)
A symbol used to indicate zinc oxide in chemical practices of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Gilded silver (alchemy)
An 18th century symbol representing gilded silver, or argentum auratum.
Pulverize (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol used to indicate the process of pulverizing ("pulverisare") and the result of that process, powder ("pulvis")
Fuse (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol indicating the process of fusing, or melting things together.
Nitrogenous air (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol used to indicate nitrogen dioxide and other similar gasses.

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