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Brothers Symbol
The Brothers symbol is depicted in almost every creation story among the Native American Indians.
Warrior Symbol
The Warrior symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture. They were a warlike people and this is indicated by the image. In his hand he holds a war club which was a bludgeoning weapon and in…
Red Horn Symbol
The Red Horn symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture. The Mound Builders believed that Red Horn was one of the five sons of Earthmaker whom the Creator formed with his own hands and sen…
Horse Symbol
The meaning of the horse symbol was to signify mobility, stamina, strength and power. It was so revered by some tribes that the horse also represented loyalty, love and devotion.
Heartline Symbol
The meaning of the Heartline symbol was to signify life force.
Symbol of Hospitality
The pineapple has been considered a symbol of hospitality for centuries.
DOT CLUB SYMBOL (.club) proposed by openInvent for ANSI
DOT CLUB SYMBOL (.club) proposed by openInvent see tiny.cc/openInvent1 for other webtails proposed for ANSI standardization
Swinger Symbol
The swinger emblem "The Swing" is the sign and symbol to recognize the swinger community in public and to identify each other.
Grandomastery symbol
The Grandomastery symbol combines shuffle and the Sierpinski triangle to represent profound randomness connected to fractals, highlighting patterns within chaos and emphasizing navigation through ran…
Sea Org symbol
Sea Org symbol
Twins Symbol
Twins Symbol
Fertility Symbol – Kokopelli
The distinguishing features of the Kokopelli fertility symbol are his hunchback, his dancing pose and his flute. The hunch on his back represented the sack he carried which might contain seeds for th…
Great Serpent Symbol
The Great Serpent symbol is one of the many Winged or Feathered snake-like deities that figure in the mythology of most Native American tribes.
Turtle Symbol
The turtle is a sacred figure in Native American symbolism as it represents Mother Earth. The meaning of the Turtle symbol signifies good health and long life.
Hawk Symbol
The strength of the hawk symbol is also depicted as the Guardian and Protector of the Earth Mother and all her children.
Indian Camp Symbol
The meaning of the Indian Camp symbol was to signify an Indian village consisting of tepees.
Drum Symbol
The meaning of the Drum symbol was to signify the heartbeat of mother earth.
Envelope Symbol
The envelope symbol usually denotes an email message or application.
The Taegeuk Symbol
Taegeuk (also rendered as Taeguk) is the Korean pronunciation of the Chinese word taiji which is translated as "great polarity" and commonly associated with certain philosophical values. It is also t…
The McDonald's Symbol
On September 13, 1961, the McDonald's Corporation filed a logo trademark on an overlapping, double arched "M" symbol.
The Square and Compasses Symbol
The Square and Compasses (or, more correctly, a square and a set of compasses joined together) is the single most identifiable symbol of Freemasonry.
The Sacred Chao Symbol
The Sacred Chao is a symbol used by Discordians to illustrate the interrelatedness of order and disorder.
Symbol for PEACE
The Greek letters Alpha and Omega, with the Greek symbol for INFINITY. Greek is one of the oldest living languages.
DOT COM SYMBOL (.com) proposed by openInvent
DOT COM SYMBOL (.com) proposed by openInvent see tiny.cc/openInvent1
DOT INFO SYMBOL (.info) proposed by openInvent for ANSI standardization
DOT INFO SYMBOL (.info) proposed by openInvent see tiny.cc/openInvent1 for ANSI standardization

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