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Found 1,466 symbols matching What does this symbol mean: Page #2

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Food safe symbol
The international symbol for food safe material is a wine glass and a fork symbol.
The Male Symbol
Mars symbol (U+2642 ♂). The symbol for a male organism or man.
The Female Symbol
Venus symbol (U+2640 ♀). The symbol for a female organism or woman.
DOT ORG SYMBOL (.org) proposed by openInvent for ANSI standardization
DOT ORG SYMBOL (.org) proposed by openInvent for ANSI standardization note the similarity to the SUN symbol
Cupido Symbol
This Symbol is also the Bronze Symbol.
Ionizing radiation symbol
The new supplementary ionizing radiation warning symbol launched on 15 February 2007 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Con…
On Off Symbol
IEC 5010 is a technical standard for the symbolization of medical devices and equipment used in healthcare facilities. It includes a set of symbols that represent medical devices and their functions,…
Sun Symbol
The Sun symbol was of great importance to all of the Native American Indian tribes. The sun symbol is depicted in a variety of ways, three of the symbols are shown on the image.
Infinity Symbol
The infinity symbol (sometimes called the lemniscate) is a mathematical symbol representing the concept of infinity.
The Virgin Symbol
From the symbol of Mercury (U+263F ☿). This symbol is used to indicate a virgin female (for example, in genetic analysis).
Cross in a Circle Symbol
Native American Indians were a deeply spiritual people and they communicated their history, thoughts, ideas and dreams from generation to generation through Symbols and Signs such as the Cross in a C…
Thunderbird Symbol
The Thunderbird symbol is one of the most dominant icons in Native American Indian culture and art.
Prince logo ("Love Symbol #2")
Logo and symbol for the performer, Prince. Once used by the artist as an unpronounceable nom de plume.
Swastika Symbol
The swastika (from Sanskrit svástika) is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles, in either right-facing form or its mirrored left-facing form. Archaeological evidence of swastika-sha…
Heart symbol
The heart symbol or "heart shape" (♥) is an ideograph used to express the idea of the "heart" in its metaphorical or symbolic sense as the center of emotion, including affection and love, especially …
The Sulfur Symbol
Alchemical symbol for sulfur.
Avanyu Symbol
The Avanyu symbol is one of the many snake-like deities that figure in the mythology of some Native American tribes, notably the Pueblo.
The Ferrari Symbol
The famous symbol of the Ferrari race team is the Cavallino Rampante ("prancing horse") black prancing stallion on a yellow shield, usually with the letters S F (for Scuderia Ferrari), with three str…
Registered trademark symbol (®)
Registered trademark symbol
Great Spirit Symbol
The meaning of the Great Spirit symbol was to signify the divine power that created the world.
Ankh Symbol
The Ankh for the ancient Egyptians was the symbol (the actual Hieroglyphic sign) of life but it is a persistent icon that remains with us even today as a Christian cross.
Internet Symbol
Internet symbol conveying WiFi, information, and anonymity. Iconic among hacktivists and anarcho-hacktivists.
The Green Dot Symbol
The Green Dot (German: Der Grüne Punkt) is the license symbol of a European network of industry-funded systems for recycling the packaging materials of consumer goods. The logo is trademark protected…
Maheshwari Symbol
Mod (मोड़), Maheshwari religious symbol.
Paralympic Symbol
The symbol of the Paralympic Games is composed of three "agitos", colored red, blue, and green, encircling a single point, on a white field.

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