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Found 535 symbols matching cross with circle on top: Page #14

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A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha or pentangle or a star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes.
Red and gold awareness ribbon
Represents neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) awareness.
Veve of Maman Brigitte
In Vodou, Maman Brigitte (Grann Brigitte, Manman, Manman Brigit, Manman Brijit) is a death loa, the wife of Baron Samedi.
Wolf tracks
Wolf tracks indicate the presence of a teacher, and spiritual energy.
Turtle tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Turtle is to identify Mother Earth herself.
Raven tracks
Raven tracks indicate a message to us beyond time and space.
Porcupine Tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Porcupine indicate innocence, faith, and wonder.
Muskrat tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Muskrat indicates resilience, detachment and adaptability.
Oppossum tracks
Opossum tracks indicate cunning, sharp wit, but more importantly - detachment.
Goose tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Goose indicates single-mindedness in purpose and deed.
Fox tracks
Fox tracks indicate observance, and family affairs.
Duck tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Duck indicates a need for patience and calm.
Bobcat tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Bobcat indicates a balance between body, mind and spirit.
Bear tracks
Bear tracks indicate reflection and self-observation. Hibernation is also a form of self- reflection.
Hand Eye Symbol
The Hand Eye symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture. The following picture shows the Hand Eye Symbol surrounded by the Horned Serpent.
Flag of Dominica
The flag of Dominica was adopted on November 3, 1978, with some small changes having been made in 1981, 1988, and 1990.
Coat of arms of the Dominican Republic
The coat of arms of the Dominican Republic features a shield in similarly quartered colors as the flag, supported by a bay laurel branch (left) and a palm frond (right); above the shield, a blue ribb…
Emblem of Italy
The emblem of Italy (Italian: emblema della Repubblica italiana) was formally adopted by the newly formed Italian Republic on 5 May 1948. Although often referred to as a coat of arms (or stemma in It…
The Royal Standard of Tonga
The Royal Standard of Tonga is the monarch's personal flag and is an armorial banner of the Royal Arms of Tonga.
Coat of arms of Lithuania
The coat of arms of Lithuania, consisting of an armour-clad knight on horseback holding an olden sword and shield, is also known as Vytis (pronounced [ʋiːt̪ɪs], "the Chaser"). The Lithuanian coat of …
Flag of Moldova
The state flag of Moldova is a vertical tricolor of blue, yellow, and red, charged with the coat of arms of Moldova (an eagle holding a shield charged with an aurochs) on the center bar. The obverse …
The Chevrolet Symbol
The Chevrolet bowtie logo was introduced by company co-founder William C. Durant in late 1913.
The Trefoil Symbol
Trefoil (from Latin trifolium, "three-leaved plant", French trèfle, Italian trifoglio, German Dreiblatt and Dreiblattbogen) is a graphic form composed of the outline of three overlapping rings used i…
Superman Shield
The Superman shield, also known as the Superman logo, is the iconic emblem for the fictional DC Comics superhero Superman. As a representation of one of the first superheros, it served as a template …
Ancient Mapuche flag
Ancient Mapuche flag according to descriptions given by chroniclers. It contains an eight-pointed star on a blue background.

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A Benin
B Laos
C Slovenia
D St. Vincent Grenadines

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