GeertV's entries

Here's the list of symbols submitted by GeertV  — There are currently 3 symbols total — keep up the great work!

The Spiral is a symbolic of Creation (Life path – Our life is continuous creation – consecutive manifestation of reality frames - as the only goal in our life is our human evolution with regard to co…
10 years ago
Circled Dot - Circum Point
The Circum Point / Circum Punctum symbolizes Consciousness. The circled dot, circumpunct, or circle with a point at its centre is an ancient symbol. “Consciousness - First of all, we have this thi…
10 years ago
ConsciousCreation™ is the merge of The Spiral as Creation (….Spiral, Fractal, YinYang, Flower of Life, Metatron Cube, Hunab Ku and Owia kokroko all related to Creation) and The Circled Dot/Circum Poi…
10 years ago

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A Tokelau
B Laos
C Panama
D Sudan